Isaiah 61:2-3

Isaiah 61:2-3 "He has sent me to bestow on them a crown of beauty instead of ashes,the oil of joy instead of mourning, and a garment of praise instead of a spirit of despair."

Friday, December 30, 2011

24 Weeks-Yucky Cough Yet Sweet Smiles & a New Friend in Sophie!

Our Sweet Bella developed a yucky cough this week. I took her to the Dr and thankfully she did not have RSV or the Flu. Because she is under 6 mths old, they cannot give her medicines and told us it would have to run its course. We are using lots and lots of prayer, the nasal syringe (amazingly, she doesn't cry), a humidifier, and lots of extra snuggling to help relieve her discomfort. She seems to be getting better a little bit each day. In spite of her discomfort, she remains our happy girl, waking each morning talking, smiling, and laughing. She truly is a JOY to our hearts!She has become quite the drooler, and my shirts are soaked at the day's end. She has started sucking on her two middle fingers and chews on everything...but, still no teeth have emerged. We bought her Sophie the Giraffe teether, and she loves chewing on her Sophie!

Saturday, December 24, 2011

23 Weeks-Snuggles with Family, Sippy Cups, & Baby Kisses

This week Bella Joy enjoyed sweet snuggles with Nay-Nay and Papa and several of my dear friends. When you tell her to give Baby Kisses, she gives you wet sloppy kisses on your cheek and then smiles sweetly. She drank milk out of her new Hello Kitty Sippy Cup for the first time and did a great job! We decided to introduce the sippy cup early to ease the transistion. We plan to introduce rice cereal next week as she is sitting up better on her own and is almost 6 months old. She receieved lots of fun baby toys for Christmas from Nay-Nay and Papa, and I can't wait to have tea parties and play with her baby dolls together. She continues to be in awe of her big brother and smiles and coos in his presence. She is very, very wiggly now and cannot stay still. She reaches for everything (including her feet and toes) to put in her mouth and tries to turn and flip when you put her in her chair. Our precious baby girl is growing up so fast!

Saturday, December 17, 2011

22 weeks-Sitting! Snuggling! Joy!

Bella had an exciting week as well enjoyed her big brother's preschool Christmas program and celebrated his 5th birthday. She is blessed to have a very loving big brother and she smiles and laughs whenever he talks with and plays with her. I have a feeling that he will be her hero as she gets older. Nay-Nay and Papa are visiting so she is getting lots of snuggle time with them. She continues to fight the awful teething pain and hasn't been sleeping well at night. But, she still manages to fill our days with smiles and giggles. She sat up in the front of the shopping cart at HEB all by herself for the first time-such a BIG girl!