Isaiah 61:2-3

Isaiah 61:2-3 "He has sent me to bestow on them a crown of beauty instead of ashes,the oil of joy instead of mourning, and a garment of praise instead of a spirit of despair."

Monday, April 30, 2012

42 Weeks: Dancing, Clapping, Curls, & Porch Time Cuddles


This week, we discovered that our baby girl LOVES to dance. The minute she hears any type of music, hammering, clapping, etc..., she starts bouncing her cute little bottom and waving her arms. It is incredibly cute to watch! She also claps when she sees us, claps when she finishes eating, and claps for no reason at all :).  Her hair is thick, dark, and very curly on the ends-so pretty! Each evening we spend time on the front porch rockers and swing, and she loves being outside with us. She has had a rough week without naps and very fitful sleeping-we think that it is a combination of teething (still no teeth yet) and separation anxiety. Hopefully this week will be better so we can all rest better.

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

41 Weeks: Clapping, Pulling Up, & Dancing (and Pickles-there is always Pickles :))


Our Joyful Bella had quite the busy week as she learned how to clap, started dancing, and began pulling up on everything. She has quickly become a master crawler and is getting very quick too! While playing on the floor, she will pull up on the couches, her toy box, and Mommy and Daddy's legs. She started clapping yesterday to music, and it was super cute! She loves to bounce and wave her hands to music, and she especially likes the country song, "Chicken Fried". Her favorite thing to do is to be silly with Mommy by giving me zerberts on my face, nose, and neck and then laughing hysterically. It is so fun to see her cute personality. We think she is going to be quite the mischevious one :)!  Our Baby Girl is growing up so quickly and discovering and learning new things daily.

9 Months Old!

Our Precious Bella Joy is 9 months old! We apologize that this post is a few weeks late, but we recently moved to the Fort Worth area and could not locate her "monthly stickers" in any of the boxes :). What a month she has had-crawling, clapping, waving, and even pulling up on things and people! She also loves to bounce up and down and dance when she hears music. Her hair is growing so quickly and is thick and brown like Mommy's :).  She is an awesome eater and will eat pretty much everything you give her. Her favorite foods are pickles. What ever you do, don't take her pickle away :). We continue to be in awe of the BEAUTY and JOY that God brought to our family through our Beautiful Bella Joy!

Monday, April 16, 2012

40 Weeks: Mastering the Sippy Cup, Love from Nay-Nay & Papa, a New Home, Pickle Love, Coupon Helper, Carnival & CRAWLING!!

Quite the busy week we had here. We moved into our new home on Tuesday and have been living in chaos with tons of boxes and constant unpacking. Bella has enjoyed the playtime and snuggles from her Nay-Nay and Papa who are here helping us. She loves to hold credit cards (her favorite toy :)) and already talked Papa into giving her his Belk's card :). On Sunday, we visited a new church and Bella helped me cut coupons (tearing a few herself :)). She loves to play with paper. She mastered holding her sippy cup on her own so no more bottles for us. On Monday, April 16th she started crawling as I was playing with her on the living room floor!! Yay Bella! Time to baby-proof the new home :). She loves to wave at people and has woken up every day this week waving. It is the cutest thing ever because she waves backwards with her hand pointed at herself. She is in a "Mommy" phase and does not like Mommy to leave the room at all. Personally, Mommy is enjoying the extra snuggle time with her precious Bella :)! A new favorite for her-Dill Pickles! She LOVES them and will eat them nonstop, crying when we take them away from her. I think she comes by it naturally because her Mommy loves pickles too.