Isaiah 61:2-3

Isaiah 61:2-3 "He has sent me to bestow on them a crown of beauty instead of ashes,the oil of joy instead of mourning, and a garment of praise instead of a spirit of despair."

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

12 Months Old!!!!

12 Months Old!!!! What a fun and memorable year Bella Joy has had! She took her first step on her actual birthday-July 8th! I was playing with her in the playroom and she took one step towards me. I am sure she will be running around the house soon. She stands up unassisted for long periods of time and can navigate around multiple rooms holding onto the wall and furniture. She loves to play and lay on pillows, climb up in her pottery barn chair, and crawl over people. She has discovered the staircase and can make it up to the second step (Yes, we are installing baby gates ASAP :)). She says, "Yum" when she eats anything or when she wants more of something. Her vocabulary inculdes, "Nana" for Banana, "Jah-Jah" for Jaythan, Mama, Dada, Papa, Hi, Bye, tickle, and many other words that we don't understand :). She weighs 17.5 pounds, and is the cutest little peanut :). She still loves "Nursey", and I plan to continue to nurse her till she is at least 18 mths old. She loves meats-chicken and turkey are her favs. She can eat an entire banana in one setting, and she adores yogurt, ice cream, strawberries, grapes, pickles, apples, baked potatoes, oatmeal, and broccoli. Her favorite toys are her new ladybug car from her Aunt Charity, her plastic Disney princess dolls, her Pink Bathtime Boats from her friend Kaylee, and her new Ball Popper and Laugh & Learn Activity Table from her Nay-Nay and Papa. She loves, loves, loves puzzles and books! She loves to flip the pages of books, and chew on the big chunky puzzle pieces. She truly has a contentful heart and can play for hours just as happy as can be. She waves at everyone and blows kisses and has started to randomnly crawl over to me and give me the sweetest, gentlest kiss on the lips. Bella dances to any and all music that she hears. I can't wait to start her in dance lessons when she turns 2. She isn't a big tv fan-we spend too much time playing to watch tv. However, she will still fall asleep to Praise Baby Dvds and loves it when Yo Gabba Gabba comes on. Bella loves bathtime and playtime in her pink pool. She can splash and play with her water toys for long periods of time. Bella still does not have ANY teeth! Crazy, right? I am sure they are coming soon. Her eyes are the brightest blue and her hair is a medium brown like mine and super curly.

Bella Joy is a special gift to our family, and we still find ourselves in awe of this Beautiful Blessing and Joy that God has given us. We will daily praise Him for the gift of her life, and we will cherish our baby girl forever. We love you our Gorgeous 1 year old! God is going to capture your joy and use it to bless others and bring glory to Him. You are a Princess-Daughter of the King of Kings and a Beautiful delight to the Heart of God!!!

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